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1.Check if the DISPLAY variable is set 

  export DISPLAY= 

  在注销用户并切换到oracle或者infa 用户,就可以执行了(重新开个窗口登录)

2.Database driver event...Error occurred loading library [libclntsh.so.10.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]Database driver event...Error occurred loading library [libpmora8.so]

[root@node2 /]# find / -name "libclntsh.so.10.1"
[root@node2 /]# ls /server/oracle/product/11.2/db_1/lib/libclntsh.so.10.1 /lib64/libclntsh.s
ls: cannot access /lib64/libclntsh.so.10.1: No such file or directory
[root@node2 /]# ln -s /server/oracle/product/11.2/db_1/lib/libclntsh.so.10.1 /lib64/libclnts
[root@node2 /]# 

3.Failed to logon to Database server<br>Database driver error...<br>Function Name : Logon<br>Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12154<br><br>Database driver error...<br>Function Name : Connect<br>Database Error: Failed to connect to database using user [test1] and connection string [test]


 [[REP_61082] AdminConsole's code page (UTF-8 encoding of Unicode) is not one-way compatible to repository infa_rep's code page (MS Windows Simplified Chinese,

  解决办法:export LANG=C 然后重启informatic



 5.抽中文乱码   在infa 用户下没有设置环境变量  export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK  NLS_LANG 针对Oracle语言、地区、字符集的设置,对oracle中的工具有效

select  * from OPB_REPOSIT t

修改host 文件 





posted @ 2018-01-24 16:51 酸奶加绿茶 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏



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