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1安装.按照 https://www.cnblogs.com/zhuxuekui/p/5662159.html 最后的介绍(其实就是github上的安装说明安装好vrep_ros_bridge https://github.com/lagadic/vrep_ros_bridge)。

1 Go in the src folder of your catkin workspace in catkin_ws/src via terminal2 Download the plugin from GIT typing:

git clone https://github.com/lagadic/vrep_ros_bridge.git

Delete the file "quadrotor_tk_handler" for it has a strange depends package "telekyb_msgs" which is useless for us and will result a missing package error.3 Open the file bashrc:gedit ~/.bashrcin the end of the file add:export VREP_ROOT_DIR=/ChangeWithyourPathToVrepand, if you want to avoid to type the following command every time(not mandatory):export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=${ROS_PACKAGE_PATH}:/path_to_catkin_ws/catkin_ws/srcsource /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bashsource /path_to_catkin_ws/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash4 Go in your catkin_workspace and run:catkin_make 

[这里会遇到问题error: ‘nullptr’ was not declared in this scope。查了一下,主要是编译器版本的问题。需要在vrep_ros_bridge/vrep_ros_plugin/CMakelists.txt的第三行加入add_definitions(-std=c++11)即可顺流编译。]

5 Now build again the pkg using the next instruction:catkin_make --pkg vrep_ros_bridge --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo6 使用终端到V-Rep安装目录下,并输入:ln -s /YOUR_CATKIN_WS_PATH/devel/lib/libv_repExtRosBridge.so(very important: notice that you should first "cd VREP_INSTALL_FOLDER", and in this folder input "ln -s /YOUR_CATKIN_WS_PATH/devel/lib/libv_repExtRosBridge.so" which means you should put the link of libv_repExtRosBridge.so in the vrep startup path)7 If you are using a new version of V-REP (V3_3_1_64_Linux) we need an additional step. We need to create a link pointing to the file compiledRosPlugins/libv_repExtRos.so in the V-REP root folder. Go via terminal to the installation folder of V-Rep and type: (it's optional)ln -s compiledRosPlugins/libv_repExtRos.so

按照 https://www.cnblogs.com/21207-iHome/p/7855947.html 中的说明,尤其是vrep自带的两个例子进行验证。



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