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A file with the .wma file extension is a Windows Media Audio (WMA) file. Microsoft created the format to avoid the licensing issues associated with the MP3 format.

具有.wma 文件扩展名的文件是Windows Media Audio(WMA)文件。 Microsoft创建了该格式,以避免与MP3格式相关的许可问题。

什么是WMA文件? (What Is a WMA File?)

Initially created in 1999, Microsoft designed WMA to combat MP3 and Apple’s AAC compression methods. Since then, WMA has expanded from its initial lossy format into a wide range of sub-formats including low-bandwidth voice audio to lossless multi-channel surround sound.

最初创建于1999年,Microsoft设计WMA来对抗MP3和Apple的AAC压缩方法。 从那时起,WMA已从其最初的有损格式扩展到包括低带宽语音音频到无损多通道环绕声在内的各种子格式。

When compared to MP3 format, WMA maintains a higher level of quality at a lower bitrate, especially when comparing bitrates less than 64 kbps.

与MP3格式相比,WMA以较低的比特率保持较高的质量,尤其是在比较小于64 kbps的比特率时。

Because WMA is a proprietary format, very few programs support it compared to the widely used MP3. If you plan to open your WMA files on anything but Windows, you’ll either have to download a third-party application or convert it into a different format.

因为WMA是专有格式,所以与广泛使用的MP3相比,几乎没有程序支持它。 如果您打算在Windows以外的任何设备上打开WMA文件,则必须下载第三方应用程序或将其转换为其他格式。

如何打开WMA文件? (How Do I Open a WMA File?)

Since WMA is a proprietary Microsoft format, you won’t be surprised that Windows can open them easily with built-in apps. Double-click your WMA file, and it should open right up in Windows Media Player unless you have installed another program that’s set as the default for WMA files.

由于WMA是Microsoft专有的格式,因此Windows可以使用内置应用程序轻松打开它们,您不会感到惊讶。 双击您的WMA文件,它将在Windows Media Player中直接打开,除非您安装了另一个设置为WMA文件默认设置的程序。

If for some reason that doesn’t work, you can right-click the file, point to the “Open With” menu, and then click “Windows Media Player” or whatever other supported app you prefer.

如果由于某种原因无法使用,则可以右键单击该文件,指向“打开方式”菜单,然后单击“ Windows Media Player”或您喜欢的任何其他受支持的应用程序。

If you’re using macOS or Linux, things aren’t that easy since those platforms don’t have built-in apps with WMA support. Instead, you’ll need to download a third-party app. We highly recommend VLC Player. It’s fast, open-source, free and you can use it on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. VLC also supports pretty much every file format out there and is a highly capable player.

如果您使用的是macOS或Linux,事情就变得不那么容易了,因为那些平台没有内置支持WMA的应用程序。 相反,您需要下载第三方应用程序。 我们强烈推荐VLC Player 。 它是快速,开源,免费的,您可以在Windows,macOS,Linux,Android和iOS上使用它。 VLC还支持几乎所有的文件格式,并且功能强大。

如何转换WMA文件? (How Do I Convert a WMA File?)

Unless you’re using WMA for a particular reason, it’s probably best to convert your WMA files into something a little more widely used—like MP3—especially if you’re not using Windows or want to share files with non-Windows users.


Hundreds of websites on the internet convert WMA files for you, but we like Zamzar’s online WMA to MP3 conversion tool. It’s free, safe, and they promise to delete all your files after 24 hours.

互联网上成百上千的网站可以为您转换WMA文件,但是我们喜欢Zamzar的在线WMA到MP3转换工具。 它是免费,安全的,他们承诺在24小时后删除所有文件。

After loading up the website, click the “Choose Files” button. Find and select the WMA files on your computer that you want to convert and then click “Open.”

加载网站后,单击“选择文件”按钮。 在计算机上查找并选择要转换的WMA文件,然后单击“打开”。

From the drop-down menu, choose the file format to which you want to convert.


Finally, enter an email and then click “Convert.”


That’s all there is to it. When the conversion is done (which is usually pretty fast unless you’re converting big files), you’ll get an email message with a link where you can download the converted files.

这里的所有都是它的。 转换完成后(除非转换大文件,否则通常很快),您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含一个链接,您可以在其中下载转换后的文件。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/364113/what-is-a-wma-file-and-how-do-i-open-one/




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