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摘 要




关键字:个人简历 生成与管理


With the in-depth development of economic globalization, instability in the international economic environment, increasing uncertainties, affected by the world economic and financial crisis, a group of small and medium enterprises shut down the collapse, a huge loss of jobs, a sharp decline in the demand for labor, and this negativethe impact is being gradually expanded by the export-oriented manufacturing enterprises from the coastal areas to central and western regions, to the inward-looking enterprises of all types, from labor-intensive small and medium enterprises to large and medium-sized enterprises above designated size, by migrant workers to the urban workforce in particular the spread of college graduatestrend. The employment situation needs to concentrate on resolving prominent and difficult to focus on the employment problem of graduates' employment and urban disadvantaged groups.

Looking for work, is the competition? The competition resumes! A good resume, stand out in a number of resume, left a deep impression to the recruiter, and then decided to give you an interview, it is a stepping stone to help you to apply for success, so a good personal resume for getting an interview. is essential.

This project around in Personal resume generation and management system, designed to provide a good resume for the majority of job seekers, the light of the above, the subject of the research, development has important theoretical and practical significance.

Key words:personal resume, generation and management

目 录

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