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【SONiC Testbed —setup】Virtual Switch Testbed Setup

【SONiC Testbed —setup】Virtual Switch Testbed Setup


KVM Testbed Setup


Prepare testbed host


  • Install Ubuntu 20.04 AMD64 on your host or VM

    • To setup a T0 topology, the server needs to have at least 10GB of memory free
    • 如果测试台主机是VM,那么它必须支持嵌套虚拟化
      • 基于Hyper-V的虚拟机说明
  • 运行主机安装脚本以安装所需的包并初始化管理网桥网络
git clone https://github.com/Azure/sonic-mgmt
cd sonic-mgmt/ansible
sudo ./setup-management-network.sh
  • 安装Docker CE。一定要遵循安装后的说明,这样就不需要sudo权限来运行docker命令。

Download an VM image

我们目前支持基于EOS或SONiC VMs来模拟虚拟试验台中的相邻设备,就像我们对物理试验台所做的那样。为此,我们需要将映像下载到我们的测试台主机。

Option 1: vEOS (KVM-based) image

  1. Download the vEOS image from Arista
  2. 将以下镜像文件复制到测试台主机上的~/veos vm/images:
    • Aboot-veos-serial-8.0.0.iso
    • vEOS-lab-4.20.15M.vmdk

Option 2: cEOS (container-based) image (experimental)

Option 2.1: Download and import cEOS image manually

  1. Download the cEOS image from Arista
  2. Import the cEOS image (导入需要几分钟,请耐心等待!)
$ docker import cEOS64-lab-4.23.2F.tar.xz ceosimage:4.23.2F
$ docker images
REPOSITORY                                     TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ceosimage                                      4.23.2F             d53c28e38448        2 hours ago         1.82GB

Option 2.2: Pull cEOS image automatically

  1. Alternatively, you can host the cEOS image on a http server. Specify vm_images_url for downloading the image here.

  2. 如果下载CEO映像需要SAS密钥,请在sonic mgmt/ansible/vars/azure_storage.yml中指定ceosimage_saskey.

If you want to skip downloading the image when the cEOS image is not imported locally, set skip_ceos_image_downloading to true in sonic-mgmt/ansible/group_vars/all/ceos.yml. Then, when the cEOS image is not locally available, the scripts will not try to download it and will fail with an error message. Please use option 1 to download and import the cEOS image manually.

Option 3: Use SONiC image as neighboring devices

You need to prepare a sound SONiC image sonic-vs.img in ~/veos-vm/images/. We don't support to download sound sonic image right now, but for testing, you can also follow the section Download the sonic-vs image to download an available image and put it into the directory ~/veos-vm/images

Download the sonic-vs image

To run the tests with a virtual SONiC device, we need a virtual SONiC image. The simplest way to do so is to download a public build from Jenkins.

  • Download the sonic-vs image from here
wget https://sonic-jenkins.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com/job/vs/job/buildimage-vs-image/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/sonic-vs.img.gz
  • Unzip the image and move it into ~/sonic-vm/images/
$ gzip -d sonic-vs.img.gz
$ mkdir -p ~/sonic-vm/images
$ mv sonic-vs.img ~/sonic-vm/images

Setup sonic-mgmt docker

所有测试台配置步骤和测试都是从sonic mgmt docker容器运行的。这个容器有所有必要的软件包和工具,以便在不同的开发人员和实验室设置之间测试行为是一致的。

  • Run the setup-container.sh in the root directory of the sonic-mgmt repository:
$ cd sonic-mgmt
$ ./setup-container.sh -n <container name> -d /data
  • 从现在起,所有步骤都在sonic mgmt docker中运行,除非另有说明。

您可以使用以下命令输入sonic mgmt容器:

$ docker exec -it <container name> bash

You will find your sonic-mgmt directory mounted at /data/sonic-mgmt:

$ ls /data/sonic-mgmt/
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Setup host public key in sonic-mgmt docker

为了在您的主机上自动配置测试床,Ansible需要能够在没有密码提示的情况下SSH到其中。上一步中的setup container脚本将为您设置所有必需的SSH密钥,但要使Ansible正常工作,还需要进行一些修改:

  • 修改veos_vtb以使用您要用于登录主机的用户名(例如foo)(这可以是您在主机上的用户名)
foo@sonic:/data/sonic-mgmt/ansible$ git diff
diff --git a/ansible/veos_vtb b/ansible/veos_vtb
index 3e7b3c4e..edabfc40 100644
--- a/ansible/veos_vtb
+++ b/ansible/veos_vtb
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ vm_host_1:hosts:STR-ACS-VSERV-01:ansible_host:
-      ansible_user: use_own_value
+      ansible_user: foovms_1:hosts:
  • Create a dummy password.txt file under /data/sonic-mgmt/ansible

Note: Here, password.txt is the Ansible Vault password file. Ansible allows users to use Ansible Vault to encrypt password files.

By default, the testbed scripts require a password file. If you are not using Ansible Vault, you can create a file with a dummy password (e.g. abc) and pass the filename to the command line. The file name and location is created and maintained by the user.

  • 在主机上,运行sudo visudo并在末尾添加以下行:

  • Verify that you can login into the host (e.g. ssh foo@ from the sonic-mgmt container without any password prompt.

  • Verify that you can use sudo without a password prompt inside the host (e.g. sudo bash).

Setup VMs on the server


现在我们需要在主机上启动一些虚拟机,作为virtual SONiC switch.的相邻设备。

  • Start the VMs:
$ ./testbed-cli.sh -m veos_vtb -n 4 start-vms server_1 password.txt

 如果您使用SONiC image作为VMs,则需要添加extract参数-k SONiC,命令:

./testbed-cli.sh -m veos_vtb -n 4 -k sonic start-vms server_1 password.txt.


提醒:默认情况下,此shell脚本需要密码文件。如果不使用Ansible Vault,只需使用伪密码创建一个文件,并将文件名传递到命令行。

  • 检查所有虚拟机是否已启动并正在运行。对于基于EOS的VMs,请注意:passwd是123456。
$ ansible -m ping -i veos_vtb server_1 -u root -k
VM0102 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false,"ping": "pong"
VM0101 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false,"ping": "pong"
STR-ACS-VSERV-01 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false,"ping": "pong"
VM0103 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false,"ping": "pong"
VM0100 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false,"ping": "pong"

对于SONiC VMs注意:passwd是password。

$ ansible -m ping -i veos_vtb server_1 -u admin -k
VM0102 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false,"ping": "pong"
VM0101 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false,"ping": "pong"
STR-ACS-VSERV-01 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false,"ping": "pong"
VM0103 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false,"ping": "pong"
VM0100 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false,"ping": "pong"




$ cd /data/sonic-mgmt/ansible
$ ./testbed-cli.sh -t vtestbed.csv -m veos_vtb add-topo vms-kvm-t0 password.txt


$ cd /data/sonic-mgmt/ansible
$ ./testbed-cli.sh -t vtestbed.csv -m veos_vtb -k ceos add-topo vms-kvm-t0 password.txt


$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                 COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
575064498cbc        ceosimage:4.23.2F                                     "/sbin/init systemd.…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       ceos_vms6-1_VM0103
d71b8970bcbb        debian:jessie                                         "bash"                   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       net_vms6-1_VM0103
3d2e5ecdd472        ceosimage:4.23.2F                                     "/sbin/init systemd.…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       ceos_vms6-1_VM0102
28d64c74fa54        debian:jessie                                         "bash"                   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       net_vms6-1_VM0102
0fa067a47c7f        ceosimage:4.23.2F                                     "/sbin/init systemd.…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       ceos_vms6-1_VM0101
47066451fa4c        debian:jessie                                         "bash"                   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       net_vms6-1_VM0101
e07bd0245bd9        ceosimage:4.23.2F                                     "/sbin/init systemd.…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       ceos_vms6-1_VM0100
4584820bf368        debian:jessie                                         "bash"                   7 minutes ago        Up 7 minutes                            net_vms6-1_VM0100
c929c622232a        sonicdev-microsoft.azurecr.io:443/docker-ptf:latest   "/usr/local/bin/supe…"   7 minutes ago        Up 7 minutes                            ptf_vms6-1

Deploy minigraph on the DUT


  1. Deploy the minigraph.xml to the DUT and save the configuration:
$ ./testbed-cli.sh -t vtestbed.csv -m veos_vtb deploy-mg vms-kvm-t0 lab password.txt
  1. Verify that you can login to the SONiC KVM using Mgmt IP = and admin:password.

  2. You should see BGP sessions up in SONiC:

admin@vlab-01:~$ show ip bgp sum
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65100
RIB entries 12807, using 1401 KiB of memory
Peers 8, using 36 KiB of memory
Peer groups 2, using 112 bytes of memoryNeighbor        V         AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxRcd       4 64600    3208      12        0    0    0 00:00:22     1       4 64600    3208     593        0    0    0 00:00:22     1       4 64600    3205     950        0    0    0 00:00:21     1       4 64600    3204     950        0    0    0 00:00:21     1

Run a Pytest

Now that the testbed has been fully setup and configured, let's run a simple test to make sure everything is functioning as expected.

  1. Switch over to the tests directory:
cd sonic-mgmt/tests
  1. Run the following command to execute the bgp_fact test (including the pre/post setup steps):
./run_tests.sh -n vms-kvm-t0 -d vlab01 -c bgp/test_bgp_fact.py -f vtestbed.csv -i veos_vtb

You should see three sets of tests run and pass. You're now set up and ready to use the KVM testbed!










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